* Teams must be at the field 45 minutes before their game. If the previous games end early, the next game will start in exactly 15 minutes. Teams must be ready to play or they forfeit.
* The Worthington Wood Bat Tournament is an invitation event. If your team or organization has had a history of verbal abuse towards umpires, players, fans, coaches, high school volunteers or tournament employees or a history of players, fan’s or coaches being ejected from games on a regular basis your team or organization will not be invited to play in our tournament. The final decision will be up to the tournament director’s. All decisions are final with no exceptions and no appeals!
* Home team will be determined by coin flip only during the Pool Play games. During the Championship and/or Elimination Rounds, the “home” team will always be the higher seed. The umpires do not need to be present for the coin flip.
* Umpire to announce the start time of the game. It is the responsibility of both coaches to determine start time with umpire.
* Emergency contact number – Each team must have, at least, one (1) emergency contact number where they can be easily reached during the tournament.
* All Teams will play 2-4 pool play games, depending on age division. These teams may or may not be in your pool. Team with best record will advance to championship play.
* Each team will be required to check the website daily for updates on standings during the tournament. Twitter and Tourney Machine will be updated with all changes.
* Baseballs – All teams must provide two (2) new baseballs to the home plate umpire prior to the start of the game. The baseballs should be of high school baseball quality. Each team must provide used baseballs as needed during the course of the game. Coaches please see that each team retrieves foul balls on their respective sides.
* Physical confrontation – This tournament has “zero tolerance” for any physical confrontations by players, coaches, fans or anyone else. Upon the first violation, the violating party shall be removed from the facility and the tournament. Once again, absolutely no physical confrontations will be permitted, tolerated and/or found to be acceptable.
* No pre game warm up is allowed on the infield.
* All teams need to be prepared to play Thursday morning.
* Pool Play will be completed by Friday or Saturday night, depending on age division. The top teams will advance to championship play, while other will play a consolation game.
* If any team forfeits a pool play game they are automatically eliminated from championship play!!!
* BRACKET PLAY will be determined by the following: All pool winners be considered the top seeds. Pool winners are determined by: (1) Record, (2) tie-breaker is head to head, (3) lowest runs allowed, (4) Run differential, (5) Flip of a coin.
Wild Cards will be determined by: (1) Record, (2) tie-breaker is head to head, (3) lowest runs allowed, (4) Run differential, (5) Flip of a coin.
* All decisions made by the umpire are final. Any player or coach who abuses an umpire will be ejected from that game and the next game. A second ejection of a player or coach means removal from the tournament! Team forfeiture in the event an ejection is made and the ejected party refuses to leave the playing facility, the Tournament Director, at his sole discretion, may elect to declare a forfeiture of the game and/or tournament. The tournament director shall have final decision on all tournament ejections.
* Bats: All players must use wood or wood composite bats only. No metal bats allowed. Part wood and part metal bats are not allowed.
* All forfeits result in a 8 to 0 victory in the score book.
* All pool play games have a two (2) hour time limit. Time starts on delivery of first pitch. 2 hour time limit is not drop dead, please finish the inning. If a pool play game is tied after 7 innings and has not exceeded the time limit play will continue.
* * All BRACKET GAMES have a two (2) hour time limit, except for CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES. Time starts on delivery of first pitch. 2 hour time limit is not drop dead, please finish the inning. If a bracket game is tied after 7 innings and play must continue until a winner has been decided.
Run Rule: The Run Rule is as follows: 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4 innings, and 8 runs after 5 innings. These parameters are in place and active in all games throughout the Worthington Wood Bat Tournament.
* The tournament will follow the ‘Ohio High School Rules’ with the following Exceptions
* Exception 1 : Catchers will be allowed to use helmet type of their choice. Ex. Skull Cap and Mask, Hockey style mask, etc.)
* Exception 2: Speed up Rule – A runner can be used for the pitcher and catcher upon reaching base (mandatory with 2 outs). This player must be someone not in the game or the team’s last batted out.
* Exception 3: DH and EH may be used. However, if you choose to use an EH, you must have 10 players bat the entire game. If you lose a player and only have 9 players left in the batting order, the 10th batter will be an out or you may replace that player with another player that has not yet played in the game.
* Exception 4: DH, EH and XH may be used. However, if you choose to use an XH, you must have 11 players bat the entire game. If you lose a player and only have 10 players left in the batting order, the 11th batter will be an out or you may replace that player with another player that has not yet played in the game.
* Exception 5: Roster batting is allowed. However, if you choose to hit the full roster the entire game. If you lose a player(s), the players that are lost will be an out when that player comes up to bat during the game.
* Exception 6: The Worthington Wood Bat Tournament does not have a pitching limit on innings pitched or pitches thrown. Coaches, please make sure that you are always looking out for the safety, health and your players future!!!
* All teams that attend the Worthington Wood Bat Tournament must stay in a tournament designated host hotel. If you do not stay in a tournament approved hotel you will not be able to participate in the tournament.
* Rules and Tournament Schedule. – In the event there are any changes and/or modifications to the Rules and/or Schedule, said changes/modifications will be posted on the website and it is the responsibility of all coaches to regularly check for any changes and/or modifications.
* NO ALCOHOL PERMITTED in the parking lots or fields at any time!
* If the Worthington Wood Bat Tournament is canceled due to inclement weather, refunds will be issued as follows: If no games are played a full credit for next year’s Worthington/Phoenix Wood Bat Tournament will be issued. This credit will be carried over to the following year only. If one game is played a half credit towards the Worthington Wood Bat Tournament will be issued for next year’s tournament. If two are games played there will be no credits, transfers or refunds for the next year’s tournament.
* Refund Policy: -Withdrawal more than 45 days prior to the tournament- In all cases, a team must provide written notice to Worthington Wood Bat Tournament about their intent to withdraw from the tournament. If this notice is received at least 46 days prior to the tournament, Worthington/ Wood Bat Tournament will refund the entry fee less a One hundred and Fifty Dollars ($ 150.00) administrative fee. Withdrawal less than 45 days prior to the tournament – There are NO refunds for any withdrawal within forty five (45) days of the Worthington/Phoenix Wood Bat Tournament.
* All team, coach and player information will be kept confidential. The Worthington Wood Bat Tournament will not share any information with a 2nd party.
* Right to modify and amend – Worthington Wood Bat Tournament retains exclusive right to modify and/or amend these Rules and Regulations for Worthington/Phoenix Wood Bat Tournament. Each team is required to review the Rules and Regulations prior and during this tournament.
* Tournament admissions- Admissions will be charged at some field locations but not all. Admission fee will be up to the individual site. The Worthington Wood Bat Tournament does not set the gate fee nor do they get any of the gate fees. All money will go to that particular school’s baseball program. Tell your parents that if play is in doubt due to inclement weather, wait to enter the park because no gate refunds or rain checks will be issued. There is “Zero” tolerance for any verbal or physical abuse between parents, coaches, players and the particular volunteer working at that location. Any altercation of this nature will result in the removal of all fans of that team, as well as the team and the coaches themselves form the ball park, the tournament, and all future tournaments.